Dusk. C.Conti, Flashlight Pictures. Role: The man
Lawrence and Olivia. H.Meah. UCL Film. Role: Lawrence
Nevermore. A.Tindall, Goldsmiths University. Role: Edgar
Richard III. Argo Theatre. A. Alexander. Role: Buckingham
The Tempest. Cygnet Theatre. E Guernsey. Role: Ferdinand, Trinculo
A Midsummer Night’s Cabaret. Cygnet Theatre. T.Scott. Role: Demetrius
Much Ado About Nothing. Cygnet Theatre. A. Alexander. Role: Don pedro
Navigating Consciousness. Fourplay Theatre. E. Guernsey. Role: Psychologist
Beauties and the Beasts. A.Brace and C. Newton. Role: Beast
Twelfth Night. Cygnet Theatre. T.Scott. Role: Orsino
A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Cygnet Theatre. T.Scott. Role: Demetrius
Little Women. Sepy Baghaei. The Space. Role: Brooke
Bluebeard. B. Sobchak. Theatre Collection. Role: The Lover
Is This Thing On? AK Lie. Frigg Theatre. Role: Jack
Significant Other. N. Byden. The Pensive Federation. Role: Jonny
Ward No.6. C.Diacopoulos. Theatre Collection. Role: Ivan
The Chamber of Flavour. L.Partridge. Gingerline. Role: Paul, Cecil
Mystery-Bouffe. KonstantinKamenski. Theatre 274. Role: Methuselah
The Bacchanals. P.Ladenburg. Micra Theatricals. Role: Dionysus
Juniper Manor. L.Partridge. Gingerline. Role: Terrance
Romeo and Juliet. C. McGuire. Cry of Curs. Role: Tybalt, Friar, Lawrence
Moscow Art Theatre School
Acting Stanislavski (Sergei Shchedrin) Grotowski (Yuriy Kviakovskiy)
Vocal Russian Folk, Choral (Alyona Khovanskaya)
Movement Stage combat (Batraz Zaseev), Ballet, Russian Folk Dance (Irina Nikiforova)
Goldsmiths University BA Theater and performance with English
Dusk. C.Conti, Flashlight Pictures. Role: The man
Lawrence and Olivia. H.Meah. UCL Film. Role: Lawrence
Nevermore. A.Tindall, Goldsmiths University. Role: Edgar
Richard III. Argo Theatre. A. Alexander. Role: Buckingham
The Tempest. Cygnet Theatre. E Guernsey. Role: Ferdinand, Trinculo
A Midsummer Night’s Cabaret. Cygnet Theatre. T.Scott. Role: Demetrius
Much Ado About Nothing. Cygnet Theatre. A. Alexander. Role: Don pedro
Navigating Consciousness. Fourplay Theatre. E. Guernsey. Role: Psychologist
Beauties and the Beasts. A.Brace and C. Newton. Role: Beast
Twelfth Night. Cygnet Theatre. T.Scott. Role: Orsino
A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Cygnet Theatre. T.Scott. Role: Demetrius
Little Women. Sepy Baghaei. The Space. Role: Brooke
Bluebeard. B. Sobchak. Theatre Collection. Role: The Lover
Is This Thing On? AK Lie. Frigg Theatre. Role: Jack
Significant Other. N. Byden. The Pensive Federation. Role: Jonny
Ward No.6. C.Diacopoulos. Theatre Collection. Role: Ivan
The Chamber of Flavour. L.Partridge. Gingerline. Role: Paul, Cecil
Mystery-Bouffe. KonstantinKamenski. Theatre 274. Role: Methuselah
The Bacchanals. P.Ladenburg. Micra Theatricals. Role: Dionysus
Juniper Manor. L.Partridge. Gingerline. Role: Terrance
Romeo and Juliet. C. McGuire. Cry of Curs. Role: Tybalt, Friar, Lawrence