2014 Blood Wedding. Federico Garcìa Lorca Directed by Marco Sgrosso. Produced by Archipelagos Teatro
2016 Arlequin Poli par l'Amour. Pierre de Marivaux. Directed by Antonio Carnevale. Produced by Compagnia Carnevale
2017 I Maggiorenni. Tiziano Scarpa. Directed by Giorgio Sangati. Produced by Teatro Stabile del Veneto
2018 The Merry Wives of Windsor. William Shakespeare. Directed by Lorenzo Marangoni. Produced by Boxer Teatro
2018 Arlequin et la Bague Magique. Carlo Goldoni. Directed by Marco Zoppello. Produced by Teatro Stabile del Veneto
2020 Darwin's Diaries. Josh Lonsdale. Directed by Lorenzo Maragoni. Boxer Teatr
2021 Romeo & Juliet - William Shakespeare. Directed by Taylor Scott. Produced by Cygnet Theatre
2018 Tutti contro Mark. Cristian Micheletti. Directed by Andrea Sanna. Produced by SAPIENS
2022 LUX. Luis Tété. Directed by Luis Tété. Produced by Freakshow Motion Picture
2011-14 ACCADEMIA TEATRALE CARLO GOLDONI Academy of Dramatic Arts
Commedia dell'Arte course with Carlo Boso. Trained in Commedia dell'arte masks and characters.
2018 BELFORT THEATRE CAMPUS Summer campus with Luca Micheletti. Researched and Studied Goethe's Faust. Created performances that enhanced the beauty of Belfort's ruins in Piuro.
2019 TEATRO STABILE DEL VENETO TeSeO project for "Compagnia Giovani". Trained in several styles of acting: Impro, Mime, Clown, and Commedia dell'Arte.Trained in singing, stage fighting, and dancing.
2021 KEITH FARQUHAR Meisner Technique with Keith Farquhar. Basic Meisner Technique and Moment to Moment Acting.
2021 CHARACTER MASKS with Matteo Fantoni. Mask workshop with Matteo Fantoni of Familie Flöz
2022 SCENE STUDY with Taylor Scott and Emily Guernsey. Analysis and mise en espace of scenes from contemporary plays with directors Taylor Scott and Emily Guernsey.
Italien (native ) English (fluent) French (basic)
2014 Blood Wedding. Federico Garcìa Lorca Directed by Marco Sgrosso. Produced by Archipelagos Teatro
2016 Arlequin Poli par l'Amour. Pierre de Marivaux. Directed by Antonio Carnevale. Produced by Compagnia Carnevale
2017 I Maggiorenni. Tiziano Scarpa. Directed by Giorgio Sangati. Produced by Teatro Stabile del Veneto
2018 The Merry Wives of Windsor. William Shakespeare. Directed by Lorenzo Marangoni. Produced by Boxer Teatro
2018 Arlequin et la Bague Magique. Carlo Goldoni. Directed by Marco Zoppello. Produced by Teatro Stabile del Veneto
2020 Darwin's Diaries. Josh Lonsdale. Directed by Lorenzo Maragoni. Boxer Teatr
2021 Romeo & Juliet - William Shakespeare. Directed by Taylor Scott. Produced by Cygnet Theatre
2018 Tutti contro Mark. Cristian Micheletti. Directed by Andrea Sanna. Produced by SAPIENS
2022 LUX. Luis Tété. Directed by Luis Tété. Produced by Freakshow Motion Picture
Italien (native ) English (fluent) French (basic)